When I Rise, When I Fail

Feb 19, 2022 | কবি ও কবিতা | 0 comments

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When I Rise, When I Fail


When I fail, when all my run
Goes deep into the valley of woe,
Darkness surrounding all chasms of the life;
Barrenness dominates, numbness rules
Darken me from all sides,
Oh my dear friends and foe!
You may leave me alone And accuse me of what mine not.

Neither of you might anchor the tone of belief,
On me, on my faculties alike!
Me shall ever embrace the agonies and accept
The perpetrators’ piercing, backbiters words;
But friends, shall I accept the disgrace,
Of hatred, of treasury and perpetration?
From those I unfriended not?
This shall be of higher pain than
These disbelief of thine, friends..

When I do rise ever, rise from Deep fathom of failure again..
When the rays of success peeps any day
Oh friends, dear friends! Believe in you, and in me;
Let your heart be convinced
That thy friend’s evaluated, in full,
Thy friend’s well deserved, in all
Thy friend shall, if not uplift
Won’t defame thy fame, at all!

At the end of journey, at its peak,
Let only belief, only trust live
Let’s not love before we believe.

Md Nazim Uddin
February 19, 2022