There was a Time of Joy

Mar 15, 2023 | কবি ও কবিতা

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There was a Time of Joy

There was a time of innocent joy
A time full of hassles ended in joy
A time of stress ended in satiety
A time of crisis awarded by glory;

There were such times in life that
We manage our sweats with sweet smile;
Hardships with brilliance of life;
Morbidity with depth of satiety;
Tears of shortcomings with tears of complacency.

There was a time that taught us nobility
A time, that led us to strive till end;
Taught us, better to fail after war
Than not to face it with cowardice bend!

That time taught us, many a thing
That, it’s better to fail than to cheat;
Than to ignore, better to strongly treat;
That, life to be accepted with all calamities
That destructions are foundations of the cities;
That a life to be enjoyed ‘to the lees’;
That one should work like the bees.

Such a time there was, such a time
When the optimism of life won sublime;
When pillars of failures brought pillars of glory
When a life is lived making a true story….

Md Nazim Uddin
March 11, 2023